Last updated on June 23rd, 2019 at 04:55 pm
A safety talk is a hands-on way to remind workers that health and safety are important on the job.
Safety talks deal with specific problems on site. They do not replace formal training.
Through safety talks you can tell workers about health and safety requirements for the tools, equipment, materials, and procedures they use every day or for particular jobs.
Each safety talk in this book will take about five minutes to present.
What makes a Safety Talk work?
Choose a talk suited to site and work conditions. Don’t give a talk on quick-cut saws when none are being used on the job.
Deliver the talk where it will be most appropriate. That could be the job office, out on the site, or near the tools and equipment you are talking about.
Introduce the subject clearly. Let workers know exactly what you are going to talk about and why it’s important to them
Refer to the Safety Talk for information. But wherever possible use your own words.
Connect key points to things your crew is familiar with on the project.
Pinpoint hazards. Talk about what may happen. Use information from the Safety Talk to explain how to control or prevent these hazards.
Wherever possible, use real tools, equipment, material, and jobsite situations to demonstrate key points.
Ask for questions. Answer to the best of your knowledge. Get more information where necessary.
Ask workers to demonstrate what they have learned.
Keep a record of each talk delivered. Include date, topic, and names of attendees. Photocopy the Report Form at the back of this manual and use it to keep a record of each session.